Avaliação de alterações ocasionadas pela circulação extracorpórea em cães: estudo clínico, laboratorial e anátomo-histopatológico do coração e pulmões / Evaluation of alterations promoted by cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs: clinical, laboratorial and anatomic-histhopathological study of the heart and lungs




Actually cardiopulmonary bypass is frequently used in human cardiac surgery routine. However, in veterinary medicine, that does not happened because the high mortality produced. The present study was performed in five males mongrel dogs, in good health conditions for experimental purposes. These animals were submitted to a convencional right intercostal thoracotomy and it was collected the data and materials that concerns to the experiment (M0). Then the animals were connected to the cardiopulmonary bypass machine for a period of two hours (M1), disconnected of the machine and kept alive for a one hour period of reperfusion (M2) before the euthanasia. It was evaluated the paO2 e pvO2 (oxigenation), paCO2 e pvCO2 (ventilation), pH e HCO3 (acid-basic balance), Na, K e ionized Ca (serum electrolites), heart beats, respiratory movements, temperature, mean arterial pressure, platelets number, total protein dosage, serum glucose, hematocrit, red cells number, anatomic-histopathological evaluation of heart and lungs. It was observed significant alterations on the oxigenation, ventilation, acid-basic balance, potassium, heart beats, temperature, platelets number, total protein dosage, serum glucose, hematocrit, red cells number and at the anatomic-histhopathological exam of the heart and lungs. Evaluating the results, it was concluded that the cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs for two hours and a reperfusion period of one hour produced clinical alterations, blood parameters modifications and pathological process in the heart and lungs


cardiologia veterinária veterinary cardiology cirurgia circulação extracorpórea cardiopulmonary bypass surgery cães dogs

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