Avaliação de caracteres morfologicos, de qualidade de sementes e suas correlações em hibridos ineditos de Panicum maximum jacq




Fifteen new guineagrass hybrids have been studied as to the following agronomic and morphological characters: plant height, reproductive tillers number/overall tillers number, panicles number/reproductive tiller, flowering cycle, dry matter porcentage, blade length, blade width and panicle length. Additionally, harvested seeds of each hybrid have been analyzed for physical purity, number of seeds/gram; viability (tetrazolium test), normal germination and vigor (accelerated aging test), untreated and H2S04-scarified seeds as well as germination rates and remaining seed viability detection. The hybrids have been successfully classified in four groups: late, medium, early and very early types regarding to flowering cycles. Early- and very-early-cycle hybrids have shown high energy allocation to reproductive functions (the highest values for reproductive tiller - number/overall tiller number, panicle number/reproductive tiller). On the other hand, late- and medium-cycle hybrids have had the most of energy allocated to 61 vegetative functions (the highest values for leaf length and width; panicle length; fresh and dry weight and dry weighUfresh weight relation). Number of seeds/gram and physical purity have been highly and negatively correlated with flowering cycle (r = -0,89; r = -0,90, respectively). In untreated seeds, late- and mediumcycle hybrids have revealed the highest values for percentage and rate of germination, highly and positively correlated with flowering cycles (r = 0,86; r = 0,82, respectively). In addiction, the percentages of germination afie r the accelerated aging test have presented no correlation with the flowering cycle, due to different hybrid performance (the late ones have suffered significant reduction; the early and very early ones, remarkable increase and the medium ones have had small changes). H2S04 seed scarification have shown no effect in late- and medium-cycle hybrid percentage of germination (reduced seed dormancy) while the early- and very-early-cycle ones have increased significantly their percentageof germination (high seed dormancy). The precision and efficiency of the tetrazolium test have been clearly demonstrated in this research by the comparison between the results of seed dormancy calculated from the normal germination results and the percentage of remained viable seeds afier it. Finally, it has been possible to identify two hybrids (H-22 and H-13) with high forage potential and good seed quality, to be released as cultivar in the near future


plantas forrageiras sementes - dormencia capim-guine - floração graminea tecnologia de sementes germinação

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