Avaliação de modelos de elevação na estimativa de perda de solo em ambiente SIG / Elevation models on the prediction of soil loss on a GIS environment


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study assessed the use of the terrain elevation models ASTER GDEM and SRTM in replacement of the topographic charts on 1:10000 and 1:150000 scales, as data for predicting soil loss on small watershed basin. All the altimetry data and further information were incorporated to the GIS/SPRING. For estimating the soil erosion it was necessary to establish the actual land use for the Ceveiro Watershed basin, situated at Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil and it was noted that most of the land use is for the sugar cane crop and also was observed that most of the preservation area establish by law is not present at the area. If those preservation areas were recomposed it should use 451,54 hectares against the 196,38 present nowadays. The terrain elevation model ASTER GDEM was the one that most agreed with the reference data for predicting soil loss, respectively Kappa index of 0,32 and 0,28 for the reference data 1:10000 and 1:50000. Nevertheless the users accuracy and producers accuracy showed that the results are discrepant when they are compared with the reference data.


bacia hidrográfica elevation model erosão geoprocessamento gis perda de solo sistema de informação geográfica soil loss prediction

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