Avaliação de um programa de treinamento da flexibilidade utilizado para compensação de esforços




The technological innovations have been making part of the program of the companies that you/they look for to perfect his/her production, seeking the technological improvement of their products and services. H oweve r, little it is had done to improve the work conditions, being taken into account the worker s health. The professional diseases, current of the work type and of the execution position, they include thousands of workers. Besides the fatigue provoked by the repetitive movements in lingering periods of work, they still exist the occupational diseases. In this study, it tried to verify some of the factors of risks and pathologies that can happen during the activity laboral, of the people that work in the seating position and they accomplish the fingering work. The most common reasons for the acquisition of pathologies on the part of this position are the repetitive movements, the incorrect posture, the inadequate ergonomics, the sedentary lifestyle, among others. A program of compensation of efforts was elaborated for decrease of the muscle-skeletal discomforts, where the individuais participated for six months of sessions composed by prolongations, activities for conscience posture and breathing, with duration of fifteen minutes each a, accomplished at the own work place in elapsing of the daily activities. It was selected 33 individuais, being 06 men and 25 women, with ages understood between 17 and 49 years, ali employees of the Center of Hematology of UNICAMP - Hemocentro. As results, we can observe the decrease of pains, discomforts and tensions presented by the participants in the beginning of the program and a significant increase of the flexibility of the structures articulate appraised in both sexes


postura humana exercicios fisicos doenças profissionais ambiente de trabalho ergonomia

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