Avaliação densitometrica e subjetiva do efeito da degradação de diferentes soluções de processamento sobre os filmes Kodak Ektaspeed Plus, Ultra-speed e Agfa Dentus M2 Comfort, utilizando caixas de processamento




The purpose in the execution of this study was to evaluate the effect of processing conditions, specially the degradation of processing solutions, on the contrast and optical density of radiographies performed with three different kinds of radiographic films available in Brazil and to correlate the alterations with the qualitative clinical analysis carried out by dentists of several specialities. For this, the workplace conditions of dentist s office were simulated, with the processing of Kodak Ektaspeed Plus, Ultra-speed and Agfa Dentus M2 Comfort dental films using 200 ml of Kodak and Agfa manual processing solutions in two different portable boxes (Odontologic and VH), with the realization of processing only in serviceable days, until the total degradation of the solutions. The obtained data by comparison of the optical densities, base plus fog densities, contrast and by the subjective analysis of the radiographies of the 12 films/solutions/portable boxes combinations tested allowed to conclude that the film which most kept its properties in the studied period was the Kodak Ultra-speed film, followed by Agfa Dentus M2 Comfort. The combinations that showed longer duration period, with a greater amount of processed films were the ones which used the Kodak solutions and portable boxes Odontologic. The subjective analysis showed to be less sensitivity when compared to the densitometric evaluation, as radiographies were considered inacceptable for diagnostic purposes only when presented average loss of 78% in optical density and 85,2% in contrast


densitometria fotografia odontologia dentes - radiografia

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