Avaliação do crescimento e da composição corporal de crianças de 05 a 10 anos de idade de origem etnica germanica e brasileira




The variety evaluation of the growing and body composition have became an checking instrument leveI in the physical activities and population health. This research had the principal evaluation goal the corporal growing and composition, in children with 5 and 10 years old, of Germany and Brazilian ethnics, in Foz do Iguaçu and Marechal Candido Rondon cities, in Parana State. 2.666 children had been evaluated, in which 1.321 boys and 1.345 girls in both ethics. Measured weight, stature, sitting height, arm circunference and the tricipital (TR) and Subscapular (SE) skinfolds. Had gotten derivated measuring the body mass index ( weight/height2),arm area, arm muscle area, arm fat area and the amount ofthe folders (TR+SE). The static s analysis procedure in the descriptive form, where to the variety comparation in which age and sex was utilized an ANOVA. The significance leveI for the study was p <0,05. The results showed similar in the corporal weight and in the height when comparated with others research. Although they were compared in the ethnic aspects, the germany children showed been higher than the Brazilian children. The girls showed more fat quantity accumulate in the tricipital and sub scapular regions in consequence in the amount of the folders when compared with the boys and others research. In the derivates measuring of arm circunference, children the both sex and ethnic showed more values in the fat arm area ( FAA) when compared with the median value ofthe FRISANCHO (1990) research, although smaller values in the arm muscular area (AMA)The body mass index (BMI) showed bigger in both sex and ethnics when comparated with the national and international referential research, showing that 10,9% of the Brazilian children are above the perceptual 95 in relation ofthe MUST, DALLAL ÁND DIETZ (1991) referential. The ANOVA results comparing the % score correcting to sex independent the age between public and private school showed significant static s differences between the ethnics only in the height, and in the factor school (public and private) occurred significant static s differences in the variable of fat, height and BMI, in this way concluded that there was more differences in the ambient factors than in relation the ethnic s factors


crianças - antropometria crianças - crescimento

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