Avaliação do desempenho de um arado de discos




This project was conducted in a Latossolo consuption, random roughness, and medium geometric diameter. These resuIts showed that an increase in the traveI speed produced an increase in the specific resistence. The power did not show any difference in reIation to the cut width, but there was an increase °reIated to the traveI speed. The specific fuel consumption was reduced with increasing veIocity but there was no variation in reIation to the cut width. Turn over of the pIant cover did not show any significantreIation to the cut width but there was an increase with the traveI speed. The random roughnes was only reIated to the cut width, not to the traveI speed. By increasing the cut width there was an increase in the random roughnes. An increase in traveI speed and cut width resuIted in a reductionin the medium geometric diameter


maquinas agricolas equipamento agricola agricultura - mecanização

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