Avaliação do desgaste e da rugosidade superficial de uma resina composta, após escovação simulada, em função de diferentes energias e fontes de luz usadas na polimerização / Evaluation of wear and superficial roughness of a composed resin, after simulated brushing, in function of different energies and sources of light used in the polymerization




An in vitro study was conducted for evaluation of wear and surface roughness of the composite resin FiltekTM Z-250 (3M/ESPE) after simulated toothbrushing, according to different light energies and sources employed for curing. Two light sources were employed, namely halogen (QTH) (VIP/BISCO) and LED (Ultrablue IS / DMC Equipments). A stainless steel template was used to obtain forty specimens (15X5mm) divided into 4 groups: G1 = QTH 300mW/cm2 x 20s; G2 = QTH 600mW/cm2 x 20s; G3 = LED 300mW/cm2 x 20s and G4 = LED 600mW/cm2 x 20s. Half of the each specimens was protected, and the other half was submitted to 200,000 brushstrokes using toothbrushes (Kolynos) and dentifrice (Colgate) diluted in deionized water. Wear was established after accomplishment of 5 readings for each specimen. The roughness meter was employed for observation of differences in the actual profile between the two surfaces. The alteration in surface roughness (Ra) was calculated by the difference between the mean of the five initial readings (before toothbrushing) and five final readings (after toothbrushing). The results were submitted to a two-way analysis of variance and to the Tukey test (p<0.05). The wear rates observed were: G1: 13.96±0.756µm (B); G2: 10.90±0.507µm (A); G3: 34.63±1.931µm (C) and G4: 12.95±0.510µm (B). The differences in surface roughness (Ra) were: G1: 0.923±0.031µm (B); G2: 0.891±0.036µm (A); G3: 1.031±0;019µm (C) and G4: 0.918±0.032µm (B). In general, the QTH curing unit provided better physicomechanical performance of the composite resin compared to the LED curing unit with the same activation energy.


resinas compostas dentística polimerização

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