Avaliação do impacto do programa de biocombustíveis na disponibilidade hídrica do cerrado




This study sought to evaluate the impact of the biofuels programme in the availability of closing water of the cerrado. Currently, the water resources of the cerrado, in the dry season, already suffering from an imbalance because the evapotranspiration in the region do not precipitate in the same place, as the movement atmospheric studies presented by National Institute of Meteorology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact that the programme of biofuels can cause water availability in the cerrado, in the Midwest region of Brazil. The hypothesis concerns that the goal was: the expansion of crops for biofuel production will bring a negative impact on water availability in the region. Considering the increase in temperature caused by deforestation and / or extraction of native vegetation for the planting of oilseeds eligible, which also increase the water consumption and the demand that the alarming water use crops for their development throughout the his cycle, it checked the impact on water resources in the region. It was done a survey of information on the water demand of native vegetation, about the crop evapotranspiration potential for the biofuels program and about the movement of atmospheric Midwest Region. The integration of this information allowed the finding that the availability of water in the region may be affected adversely, if they seek compliance with the goals of producing biofuels currently served by public agencies concerning.


outros oleaginosas oilseeds biofuels impacto ambiental recursos hídricos cerrado environmental impact water resources energia da biomassa; recursos hídricos; sementes oleaginosas; impacto ambiental; cerrados evapotranspiração biocombustíveis evapotranspiration

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