Avaliação do PRONAF atraves do comportamento dos atores municipais : estudo de caso em Espirito Santo do Pinhal/SP




In July 1996, the Federal Government starts the PRONAF, choosing for the first time the family farmers as protagonist of a public police towards rural development. In the context of difficulties in which the small family farmers are to reproduce and assure at the same time appropriate life conditions to their families, this special credit should be faced as positive. This work analyses the behavior of the local actors (family farmers, financial agents and the official rural extension net) in the implementation and functioning of the PRONAF. Within the intention to contribute for the agricultural policies debate for strengthening and developing family farming in Brazil, throughout the case of study in Espirito Santo do Pinhal City, at State of São Paulo. The evaluation was done considering the statements, interviews and questionnaires applied without sample rigor in the statistical meaning. This qualitative analyses option indicates best the paths to unveil. The analyses revealed some limits in the implementation of the Program in the local level such as little information spread, the nonparticipation of all actors, the insufficiency of the local technicians in extension and financial offices. The main conc1usion obtained for the success of the implementation of the PRONAF depends mainly of the effective participation of all local actors with their engagement and integration


agricultura familiar politicas publicas desenvolvimento rural

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