Avaliação do tipo de resposta requerida e do procedimento de ensino no estabelecimento de controle de estímulos compostos




Several factors may influence behavior control by just one or all aspects of a multidimensional stimulus. The present study investigated the effects of the response required during discriminative training of compound stimuli. Six 4 years old kindergarten children participated. All children were exposed to 3 conditions of simple simultaneous discrimination training programmed in a desktop computer. The task consisted of identifying the correct stimulus from 4 stimuli composed by a background color, a shape and a filling shape pattern. During the Selection Condition, mouse click response on the correct compound stimulus was reinforced. During Observing Condition, looking at the screen with all 4 stimuli was reinforced. Both conditions presented the correct stimulus alone at the end of each trial. Tests with individual elements and elements recombined were conducted to assess which and how many dimensions acquired control over behavior in each condition. Results showed high scores in the discriminative training which required the selection response and replicate evidence of the efficacy of the programmed discrimination training. Test performances, in general, showed low scores during both experimental conditions. Test scores in Selection Condition were higher than in Observing during 3 component trials, but similar in both conditions when stimuli were composed by one or 2 recombined elements. Higher scores were found in the second condition, suggesting history effect. An additional procedure of Discriminative Training of Elements (DTE), which alternated in the same trial the presentation of 3-element compound and 1-element stimuli, was conducted with all participants. The selection of the element previously presented in the compound was reinforced. DTE was effective to expand the elemental control by multidimensional stimuli.


crianças psicologia restricted stimulus control selection and observing controle de estímulos restrito estímulos compostos seleção e observação compound stimuli children discriminative training atenção seletiva stimulus control controle de estímulos selective attention treino discriminativo

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