Avaliação do uso de observáveis coletadas com receptores de navegação pessoal para determinação de coordenadas em linhas base curtas / Evaluation of the use of observable collected with receivers, personal navigation coordinates to determine base lines short




In recent decades the use of equipment for positioning, particularly the personal navigation receivers gained relative importance, and the acquisition of these receivers has increased considerably. These eceivers, however, were not developed for task that requiring accuracy, because it estimate and store positions with precision and accuracy of the order of 03 to 15 meters, with 95% probability, do not store the code and carrier phase data and have no determined Xntennae center stage. With the provision of the protocol for data transmission of these receivers have been developed some programs and is connected to the receiver by way of hardware and software, extract and record the navigation observable (CA code and carrier phase). Thus, the use of the navigation eceivers staff to measurements of coordinates with good accuracy, based on short baselines, can become a great alternative to main measurement in Transport Engineering applications. The high cost of other technologies front to the proposal in this work is one of the difficulties found for a greater accuracy in the applied transports geodesic works. In this research it is looked to analyze the data processing of the L1 carrying phase and CA code collected with the aid of specific software, taking itself consideration changeable as in the baseline between the stations, the observation time, software and different equipments. The results was promising, confirming the benefits of storage observable from the personal navigation receivers for further post-processing to obtain accurate coordinates in short baselines.


receptor de navegação short lines bases receiver of navigation sistema de posicionamento global linhas bases curtas coordinates precise coordenadas precisas global positioning system

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