Avaliação ecofisiologica de seringueiras (Hevea brasilienses Muell. Arg.), submetidas a diferentes intensidades de sangria, em ambientes contrastantes do Estado de São Paulo




Aiming to contribute to the adaptation of rubber tree tapping system to contrasting environments found in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, a research program was carried-out to assess environmental and plant variables, as well as physiological parameters related to relax production. The experimental areas were located in Registro, Ribeira Valley region, and in Garça, Paulista Plateau region. In each area, regionally representative clones (Fx 3864 for Registro and RRIM 600 for Garça) on the first year of production were selected and tapped under two different intensities: half-spiral tapped every two days (1/2S/2) and half ?spiral tapped every four days (1/2S.d/4). The climate of both areas was characterized, as well as the chemical and physical properties of the soils. The rooting system distribution was also determined in each area. Field work was conducted during winter 1989, and during summer, fall and winter 1990. through intensive data collecting campaigns envolving also environmental and plant monitoring, as well as physiological parameters assessment...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


fisiologia vegetal seringueira

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