Aventurando-se no conhecimento : a construção de uma partitura "porvir"




The object of this research was a supposedly-Extension work involving Elementary teachers of a small city in Parana State, which, thanks to their response to the action-research, ended up in a rich process of curriculum innovation and brought about results such as: knowledge production in levels and by people alien to the Academy’s rules, a change in the professors’ roles as well as in the usual understanding of the role of the University Extension and another kind of relationship between the University and the Community, which could be called as partnership, within which the university professors, originally producers of studies about teachers, came to be researchers of their own practice. The most relevant fact along the process seems to have been the changing in the research development, which transformed the professors’ own formation process and way of researching. Due to the changes in our very teaching practice at the University, the research group, the first one at UNICENTRO, ended up eliminating the separation usually put between the Teaching, the Research and the Extension. The constitution and reconstitution of the group of professors, that is, our experience as a whole (Larossa, Benjamin and GEPEC), sprang from our commitment to the action-research as a way of dealing with the in-service teachers’ continuing education, which changed our leading Extension activity, which used to be offering courses. The undergone experience brought several changes for the group and its components, for, from producing knowledge for the teachers, we ended up producing knowledge with the teachers, which meant epistemological, thematic, curricular changes in the understanding of the research process, among others. This discussion and socialization of our findings is just another contribution of the GEPEC, with no intention of dealing with all the possible issues that involve the formation of researching teachers.


universidades e faculdades professores pesquisa curriculos educação permanente

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