Beddings of the marxist ethics: the critical radical of the captalism society and the mediation politics for the construction of the emancipation human being / Fundamentos da etica marxista : a critica radical da sociedade capitalista, as mediações politicas para construção da emancipação humana




The present text, enrolled in the Line of Research "Ethics, Politics and Education", of the Group of Research "Paidéia", of the Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, argues "the ethical foundations of the Marxism: the radical critics of the capitalist society and the political mediation for the construction of the emancipation human being". The central point this research is the inquiry of Marx and Engel?s texts, especially the Economic- Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 that, joined of its scientific analysis of the relation man, nature and society, they are replete of philosophical and ethical considerations. The Marxist ethics take in consideration the totality of the being and the existence of the historical, concrete and social man. It s an incisive critic, indignation and denunciation to all form of oppression and "exploration of the man for the man" and the inhumane conditions of the life of working-class under the way of capitalist production. Such critical one has a purposive dimension, as historical possibility and necessity "to surpass the situation of things" in the process of construction of the "emancipation universal human being". At last, the Marxist critical ethics of the transforming perspective, of the historical base, is linked on to the omnilateral education of the working-class, as production of the conscientious and free men, that can know, intervene and appropriate of the process of material and spiritual production belong the historical movement of the humanity.


marxismo marxism ethics educação filosofia etica politica education politics philosophy

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