Between ebb, caatinga and saws: family trajectories and social use of space in the hinterland of San Francisco in the nineteenth century. / Entre vazantes, caatingas e serras: trajetórias familiares e uso social do espaço no sertão do São Francisco, no século XIX.




This study is concerned with society in Xique-Xique, in the São Francisco region, during the nineteenth century. It focuses on family and material life. In accordance with a trend in the area of history of the family, this institution is approached here in a dynamic and multifarious way, given that local strategies involved links and practices that did not only relate to the family as a residence unit, but extended to the broad group of relatives connected together through blood relationships or through political and other kinds of alliances. The multiple stories that are investigated in this work have to do with land occupation; family strategies to get and maintain wealth, as well as the role of wealth for the exercise of local power; the struggle, by the poor, to survive; the economic and social implications of marriage; and the role of women in community life. To explore these issues we have used sources such as postmortem inventories and wills, legal proceedings, Church records of land property, public and private correspondence, government reports, travel literature, and civil and ecclesiastical legislation.


xique-xique history of bahia ciencias humanas xique-xique século xix nineteenth century sertão do são francisco história da bahia family família hinterland of san francisco

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