Between the deliberation and the hierarchy: the political writings of José de Alencar (1829-1877) / Entre deliberação e hierarquia: uma leitura da teoria política de José de Alencar (1829-1877)




This work intends to analyze the political writings of José de Alencar (1829-1877), considering his political and literary works as a set within the same structure of intentions. This methodological approach, concerned with the features of the intellectual system in nineteenth-century Brazil, renders it possible to grasp the connections between politics and literature as signs of the authors broader polítical project. The research focuses on three main subjects: a theory of political representation, a theory of modern slavery and a theory of literary representation. José de Alencars writings on the representative system reveal a tension between hierachical principles and liberal concepts, that allows an intepretation of his work to be contrasted with the ones put forward in the most recent literature on the subject-matter. Given the internal consistency of the authors arguments, due to his logical and rational approach as well as his highly developed critical awareness, it is possible to identify the theoretical steps he takes towards his political project - a project mainly concerned with the Nations launching into modernity and the sources of political legitimacy. Within the Nations political hierachy as a normative horizon we can reconstruct a project of modernity which sheds light onto the formation both of the Brazilian intellectual background and its political system.


romantismo pensamento político brasileiro romanticism josé de alencar political theory teoria política brazilian literature literatura brasileira segundo reinado brazilian political thought josé de alencar second reign

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