Bibliographical subsidies for usage of deactivated dumps for final disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP / Subsídios bibliográficos para utilização de lixão desativado para disposição final de resíduos sólidos gerados no setor calçadista do município de Jaú - SP




With the onset of consumption and comfort generation, exponential increase of solid waste quantities can be seen, which are dumped in not always adequate areas. More and more, and due to urban growth, municipal administrators are facing difficulties in choosing adequate areas for final disposal of solid waste, causing uncountable environmental impacts, such as areas which often show up as a result of urban growth. From this viewpoint, this research studies the feasibility of using areas which have formerly been degraded by disposal of solid waste, as alternative sites for a disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP, after their recovery. This study shall be carried out at the garbage dump of Jaú, where water samples shall be taken from monitoring wells placed around the area, as well samples of leachate. One of the pillars which supports any municipality and promotes its development is the growth of the industrial sector, since the inhabitants need jobs and decent wages. The industries in the municipality of Jaú produce about 30 tons of solid waste daily, whereof 60% come from the shoe manufacturers, which makes this study quite interesting due to analyses of data which involve the result of solid waste dumping for a period of several years and its behavior after this period of time.


resíduos sólidos do setor calçadista recycling solid wastes from the shoe manufacturing sector lixão desativado deactivated waste dump reaproveitamento

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