Bibliotecas comunitárias como prática social no Brasil / The community library as social practice in Brazil.




The research focuses on the community library as social practice in Brazil. Its main objective is to discuss possible policies to strength and broaden these experiences. To accomplish these objectives performing the analysis of the community library as a space for local commitment, its participants, the organization and the use of information in this context became necessary. Starting from the concept of community, we deal with the social practice, the participation process and the relationship with the State for the construction of public policies to support these experiences. We discuss the use of the term by the society and academic field, analyzing the similarities and differences among community, public and popular library. We decided for the qualitative methodology with an exploratory objective survey, aiming to descriptive and analytical results. We investigated 350 experiences in Brazil and selected 29 to compose the research universe. By making use of interviews and observation techniques, it was possible to confirm that the main reason for the creation of these projects is the lack of public and school libraries in the country, which leads society to find ways to face the problems of the information, reading and book access. According to the analyzed experiences, we concluded that the more participative is the administration, the more possibility of the library becoming a strategic space, capable of implementing the social integration policies, increases. We point out, the respect to cultural diversity and plurality, as well as the valorization of the public space and participative process, as main principles to establish policies for these spaces. We support the consolidation of the Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, as the responsible agency for implementing, monitoring and evaluating of public policies to give support to the community libraries.


biblioteca comunitária. biblioteca pública. políticas públicas para bibliotecas community library. public library. public polices for libraries.

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