Biologia populacional de Pomacanthus paru (Teleostei: Pomacanthidae) e anÃlise da sustentabilidade de captura do bycatch de peixes ornamentais




Pomacanthus paru presents great importance in the Brazilian aquarium trade, being the second most exported species since 2000. The aims of this research were (a) to describe the reproductive biology and to determine the age and growth, (b) to analyze the genetic diversity of P. paru and P. arcuatus from mt-DNA, (c) to record ornamental fish bycatch and to propose a methodology to assess the catch sustainability of ornamental fish bycatch from the major Brazilian families in the aquarium trade. Weekly samplings were performed from March 2006 to February 2007. Individuals smaller than 15 cm were bought from collectors of ornamental fish. The fish were measured, weighed and the gonads and otoliths were removed. Samples of tissue from muscle and liver were stored for the genetic study. A region of the 16S rDNA was amplified and sequences of the mtDNA were used for haplotypes analysis. To assess the catch sustainability of ornamental fish bycatch, each species was assessed based on two groups of criteria: (1) relative vulnerability to capture; and (2) population resilience regarding mortality due to fishing efforts. Of the 236 individuals sexed, 139 were female, 86 were male and 11 were indefinite. P. paru is a gonochoric species, which is reproductive activite all year-round, with females presenting two spawning peaks (February-March/September-October). Females were more abundant at all months, except October. The L50 is reached at 30 cm for females and 35 cm for males. The ages of the fish in the sample varied from 1 to 27 years. P. paru attains its maximal size slowly and has a long lifespan. For P. paru six haplotypes were recorded, while only one was registered for P. arcuatus, including Caribbean species. Nineteen species from 10 families were recorded. The species least likely to have sustainable catch rates were Holacanthus tricolor, H. ciliaris, Chaetodon striatus and P. paru. The management of this latter species should include measures based on its size at maturity as well as in growth parameters established in this research. The considerations regarding genetic represent a first step toward understanding the population structures of species as phylogenetically and ecologically close as Pomacanthus paru and P. arcuatus. The proposed methodology is a useful alternative for management efforts and the assessment of catch sustainability in newlydeveloped multi-species fisheries with limited available data, which occur in areas of high species richness such as reefs


pomacanthus paru bycatch sustentabilidade de captura crescimento oceanografia reproduÃÃo bycatch reproduction idade age biologia populacional pomacanthus paru growth

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