Biopiracy or bioprospecction? a critical analysis ol traditional knowledge management in Brazil. / Biopirataria ou bioprospecção? uma análise crítica da gestão do saber tradicional no Brasil.




This thesis presents a critical understanding of the traditional knowledge management practices operated by the Brazilian state through the analysis of CGENs institutionalization process, and the cupuaçu case. The theoretical framework was based within the Political Ecology approach, mainly its postcolonialist stream. The use of the contact zone concept allowed the analysis of different ways of knowing and owning, unveiling the creation, normalization and operacionalization of dominant concepts of knowledge and property within traditional knowledge management. To develop an analysis of different stakeholders, two typologies integrated the groups identification and their definitions of traditional knowledge. The following research techniques were used: structured and nonstructured interview, bibliographical research and non-participant observation within CGEN and DPG. It was found that CGEN acts as coordination island. Its procedures and access discourse stimulates traditional knowledge commoditization, mainly through its deployment by the biotechnology industry. Thus only traditional knowledge with commercial value would be protected by CGEN. Acting as an contract warrantor it was found that CGENs management procedures enables an technocratic relation between traditional and scientific knowledge that subordinates traditional population s customary law and the collective nature of traditional knowledge. Another limitation is due CGENs over-centralized structure and its mainly ministerial composition. It follows that the number of access authorization granted by CGEN still fairly small, and the political conflicts are very polarized, making its operation difficult. The cupuaçu case analysis allowed the discussion of the management practices effective reach, as an instrument to avoid biopiracy. The State institutional action and articulation was found precarious in order to avoid indebt patent and trade marks concessions. In this context, certificates of origin, and community-based management practices had their importance highlighted. To halt the biopiracy escalade and make it punishable, the legal tipification of biopiracy as a crime was emphasized. CGENs regionalization, as an ad hoc agency, was suggested in order to promote an interactive participation of traditional knowledge holders.It may be found that this would allow a better evaluation of traditional knowledge specificities, improving the public policies designed to its management.


bioprospecção gestão do saber tradicional biopiracy zona de contato bioprospecction administracao biopirataria traditional knowledge management contact zone conselho de gestão do patrimônio genético

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