Blocked and Unblocked 5′ Termini in Reovirus Genome RNA


Uniformly 32P-labeled, double-stranded genome RNA isolated from purified reovirus contains two types of 5′-terminal sequences. One strand contains a phosphatase-resistant 5′-terminal structure, XpppG*pCpU, which is also present in the viral mRNA. The 5′ blocking group, X, is removed by β-elimination indicating that it is a nucleoside containing free 2′,3′-hydroxyls. G*pC is an alkaline-resistant, 2′-O-methylated sequence. The other strand contains a phosphatase-sensitive 5′ sequence, ppGpPupPyp. The results are discussed in relation to blocked 5′-terminal structures in other viral and cellular RNAs.

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