Blogues: debates sobre três perspectivas e desenvolvimento do fenômeno no Brasil




The popularization of the blogs from their beginning in 1996 until today, attracting profiles of users besides enthusiasts and technology professionals, presents to us new kinds of applications of the platform that surpass the initial definitions of link filters or personal diaries on the internet. This research intends to review the main basic concepts about blogs, to indicate common points to the different platform applications. The first chapter will explore blogs under three prisms: structural, explaining the tools that the available services nowadays offer; practical, exploring which habits come from the appropriation of the tools; and the conversations, with blogs hosting dialogues highly fragmented and infinitely expansible. The second chapter will retake the classification of the blogs as a genre to indicate the necessity of seeing them as language, presenting suggestions for a model of a more precise and discerning definition. The third chapter will explore the development of the blogs in United States and in Brazil, in a comparison that intends to highlight common points and differences in their development in both countries. The fourth chapter will analyze three Brazilian case studies and it is focused in their capacities to attract and interact with their communities


blogsphere colaboração digital tecnologias da inteligência outros blogosfera tecnologia da informacao blog blogs intelligent technology design digital digital design comunicacoes digitais digital collaboration

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