Blood-Free Medium for the Rapid Growth of Pasteurella tularensis


A medium composed of (in g/100 ml) Tryptose broth with thiamine (Difco), 2.6; cysteine-HCl, 0.12; glucose, 1; FeSO4, 7H2O, 0.005; KCl, 0.02; histidine, 0.1; tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (tris) buffer, 0.3; and agar, 1; will support rapid growth of the fully virulent SCHU-S4 strain of Pasteurella tularensis. Although the test organism grew rapidly on medium from which KCl and tris buffer were omitted, these two components increased the stability of the medium upon storage at 4 C. It was necessary to (i) control carefully the relative concentration of the ferrous iron and cysteine-HCl, (ii) incubate the prepared medium overnight prior to use, and (iii) incubate the inoculated plates in an atmosphere of high relative humidity. Rapid growth of the organism was obtained also from very small inocula in the liquid form of the medium. Biochemical studies designed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the enhancement of growth of P. tularensis in this relatively simple blood-free medium were initiated.

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