Brams operacionalization applyed to weather forecast, agriculture and research / Operacionalização do modelo Brams aplicado à previsão do tempo, agricultura e pesquisa




The central aim of this work is to put available to the cientific community, weather forecaster and the general population an automatic tool to numerical forecast. In this sense it was installed and shapped a cluster that aims to put available to the system a high power of processing. The cluster structrure is based on an equipamento type H3P (High performance pervasive platform). To operationalize the BRAMS model (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric modeling system) it was constructed a framework, that was made in a modular way, containing the following modules: iw-grabber, responsible to get initialization model data; iw-PAD, that accomplish the model processing, where are generate the analysis files and iw-picture that put available the data to the graphic interface. The informations are available by a portal that contains intuitives ways and easy data access, what allows to the graduate and post-graduate students, researches, meteorologists and the general community, comfortable access to them. The portal have four data consultation areas related to: i) numerical forecast; ii) weather forecast; iii) meteorological variables monitoring related to the rice culture in RS (Rio Grande do Sul) and iv) academic aims, where the BRAMS outputs will serve as a coll to the research in several meteorological areas. The access to this portal is made by the web address:


meteorologia previsão do tempo meteorologia interface web previsão numérica modelo brams brams meteorology web interface numerical forecast

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