Building Professional Knowledge in the Preparation of Adoptors for Late Adoptions. / A produção de saberes profissionais no preparo dos adotantes para a adoção tardia




This present study was developed with the aim of studying how Professional knowledge is acquired and built in the preparation of adoptors for late adoptions. Empirical data collection was carried out between 2000 and 2004, drawn from Barueri/SP Child and Juvenile Court Case records. The study subjects comprised six children over the age of six years. The two couples and two single women adoptors of these children were also investigated. The occurrence of the bonding process was verified during the stage of living together namely, whether adoptors and adoptees were adopting mutually. The study was based on the initial hypothesis that a lack of adoptor preparation to adopt older children is a key factor in their going back into care. However, professionals working in this setting build rich knowledge and experience. This knowledge is not built in isolation, but through the relationship between the Professional and adoptors, who in turn build knowledge through their relationship with the adoptees. The present work also investigated the institutionalizing of children, and the effects such care had on the development of the subjects in this study


experiência experience saber abrigamento preparo adocao tardia preparation knowledge pais adotivos childrens home adoção tardia late adoption servico social

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