Ca channel kinetics during the spontaneous heart beat in embryonic chick ventricle cells.


The ability of Ca ions to inhibit Ca channels presents one of the most intriguing problems in membrane biophysics. Because of this negative feedback, Ca channels can regulate the current that flows through them. The kinetics of the channels depend on voltage, and, because the voltage controls the current, a strong interaction exists between voltage dependence and Ca dependence. In addition to this interaction, the proximity of pores and the local concentration of ions also determine how effectively the Ca ions influence channel kinetics. The present article proposes a model that incorporates voltage-dependent kinetics, current-dependent kinetics, and channel clustering. We have based the model on previous voltage-clamp data and on Ca and Ba action currents measured during the action potential in beating heart cells. In general we observe that great variability exists in channel kinetics from patch to patch: Ba or Ca currents have low or high amplitudes and slow or fast kinetics during essentially the same voltage regime, either applied step-protocols or spontaneous cell action potentials. To explain this variability, we have postulated that Ca channels interact through shared ions. The model we propose expands on our previous model for Ba currents. We use the same voltage-dependent rate constants for the Ca currents that we did for the Ba currents. However, we vary the current-dependent rate constants according to the species of the conducting ion. The model reproduces the main features of our data, and we use it to predict Ca channel kinetics under physiological conditions. Preliminary reports of this work have appeared (DeFelice et al., 1991, Biophys. J. 59:551a; Risso et al., 1992, Biophys. J. 61:248a).

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