Cachoeira do Emboque Dam - MG: the meaning of the dam for the affected / A Usina Hidrelétrica Cachoeira do Emboque- MG: O significado da barragem para os atingidos




The present study analyzes families in communities affected by the Cachoeira do Emboque Dam, in the Zona da Mata Mineira, who were displaced and resettled in the same geographic area where they used to live before the building of the dam. The conflicts during the negotiation process with the company which sponsored the dam project, were marked by division among the affected people, as well as the lack of information about the probable impacts of the dam. These facts resulted in dissatisfaction for those who would face significant changes in their lives. In this context the main objective of this study was to understand the meaning of the dam among those who had been affected by this process ten years earlier. Specifically we sought to study the process of displacement and resettlement of these families, and compare their current social reality, comparing with that lived in the past. Using a qualitative perspective, the research was developed using theories about the negative impacts caused by the dams, as well as the reflections based on several analytical is particular: space, place and territory. The results of the research indicate that most of those affected are dissatisfied with the changes that took place in their way of life. We conclude that most of those interviewed expressed a feeling of loss of identity with their place and their past.


dam affected place atingido território sociologia do desenvolvimento territories barragem lugar

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