Cadernos de desenho : dialogos com a materia




Drawing notebooks: dialogues with the matter? are a comment on the personal process of poetical construction from questions and elements of inherent resonance and repercussion to a dialogical meeting for the image and the substance.The dialogue fundamental the work and its dynamics to resound and repercute configures a source for the agreement of the poetical construction as a continuous movement and the relation of being with and for the world. The main intention is to ponctuate and to observe some of the moments that I consider significant in the construction of the work, such as the reorganization of souvenirs that goes from the beginning of the use of sketchbooks as support, passing to the use of notebooks and finally on the material and formal experimentations until the year 2004. I present here the images that had resounded and repercuted in me. I speak on the contact with the work of artists who had allowed me to think on my proper way and that had helped me to perceive things that otherwise it would not be possible. They are inevitable, magicians, synchronous meetings that permeate the existence and that gives senses to it


imagem pintura estetica arte

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