Calibrando a microfísica de nuvens do modelo RAMS a partir dos dados coletados pelo ALPA. / Calibrating the cloud microphysics of the RAMS model from data collected by ALPA.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents curve fittings for observed cloud droplet spectra as well as sensitivity tests to cloud microphysics parameters in RAMS 6.0 model, in order to attain a better configuration of this model for use in the state of Ceará. The methodology is based on comparisons between model results and observations collected during the ―Cloud Microphysics Experiment‖ (Experimento de Microfísica de Nuvens, (EMfiN!) held in the city of Fortaleza-CE in the period of 01 to April 12, 2002. The sensitivity simulations were conducted changing the concentration and the shape parameter of the gamma distribution. The goal is to find a more appropriate model configuration for the local conditions and therefore attain a better representation of the behaviour of convective systems over the state of Ceara. In order to compare simulation results against reality, radar images collected during EMfiN ! were used.


microfísica de nuvens modelagem numérica rams 6.0 fisica cloud microphysics numerical model rams 6.0

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