Candida septic thrombosis of the great central veins associated with central catheters. Clinical features and management.


Candida septic thrombosis of the great central veins is rarely diagnosed during life, and reports of survival with this condition are exceedingly rare. Eight patients with Candida septic thrombosis of the central veins, with six survivors, are reported. Seven of eight patients had multiple organ system failure following surgery or trauma. All patients had received broad spectrum antibiotics and total parenteral nutrition via a central catheter. Every patient showed features of venous thrombosis with localizing extremity edema and high grade candidemia. Intensive amphotericin B therapy (mean daily dose: 0.7 mg/kg) in all patients, combined with 5-fluorocytosine in five cases, resulted in cure and long-term survival in six patients who received 1600 to 3435 mg (mean: 26 mg/kg) total dose. None of these patients developed renal failure, while four showed improving renal function during treatment. In contrast to Candida endocarditis, septic central vein thrombosis caused by Candida appears to be curable medically in the majority of cases with intensive amphotericin B therapy (total dose: greater than or equal to 22 mg/kg), combined when feasible with 5-fluorocytosine.

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