Características dosimétricas para campos pequenos, visando a implementação de um sistema postal de controle de qualidade na radiocirurgia / Small fields dosimetric characteristics for the radiosurgical quality control postal system implementation




Radiosurgery is a special technique indicated for small intracranial injuries treatment. For that, a high dose (>20 Gy) from 6 and 10 MV fotons is delivered into a small target volume. The scope of this work is to implement a Quality Control Postal System (QCP) in radiosurgery, in order to evaluate the absorbed dose delivered to the target volume [AAPM (1995)]. In this way the consistency between the clinical absorbed dose prescription and its administration to the patient, could be guaranted. For such, a dosimeters characterization study had been carried out in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the selected dosimeters (Ionization chamber (IC), Fricke (FXG), termoluminescent (TLD) and film). First they were applied to obtain small square and circular field dosimetric parameters, and latter, the two more suitable for the QCP application (as the TLD and film) were selected. Acrylic phantoms were planned and manufactured to simulate a small targed volume inserted in a human skull in order to check the precision of its position and the dose delivered. The phantom was sent to 3 different radiosurgery institutions and their shown that the QCP system is reliable to be used in national and/or international programs of quality control in radiosurgery.


small fields radiocirurgia quality control radiosurgery campos pequenos. controle da qualidade

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