Caracterização da hipoxia em lesões leishmanioticas murinas e analise da terapia hiberbarica nos modelos in vitro e in vivo da leishmaniose / Characterization of hypoxia in muirine leishamanioc lesions and analysis of hyberbaric therapy on murine leishmaniasis




The incapacity of host cell in killing amastigotes during Leishmania infections causes to chronic lesions. The increase of parasite burden leaves to macrophage accumulation and consequently granuloma formation that result in inadequate perfusion and tissue microenvironment alterations. Thus, in this work we evaluated the HIF-1a and VEGF expression, proteins that responses for environmental stress, during the course of L.amazonensis infection. We also investigated protocols for hyperbaric oxygen therapy that module the lesion progress in animal models infected with L. amazonensis. HIF-1a expression occurred in the early, chronic and in final stages of murine infection with L. amazonensis. BALB/c mice lesions showed a homogeneous expression of HIF-1a while footpads from C57Bl/6 mice showed HIF-1a expression restrict in clusters of heavily infected macrophages. The VEGF expression was not correlated to the evolution of lesion or the HIF-1 production in both stains. The hyperbaric oxygen treatment showed deleterious effects on promastigotes increasing cytoplasmtic lipids and apoptosis level. The HBO decreased pathological effects and modulated the immune response. The results suggest that the HIF-1a expression during lesion progress induced by L.amazonensis in both murine strains is the result of multiple factors, including hypoxic and non hypoxic factors. There is no direct relation between HIF-1a and VEGF expression during experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. We also indicated that hyperbaric oxygen therapy was able to modulate immune response and decrease of lesion progress during murine leishmaniasis.


vegf leishmania amazonensis oxigenação hiperbarica anoxemia hif vegf leishmania amazonensis hyperbaric oxigenation hypoxia hif

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