Caracterização de sistemas de colheita e desenvolvimento de técnica para a obtenção de mapas de produtividade para citros / Characterization of harvesting systems and development of a technique for citrus yield mapping




Citriculture activity is important for the Brazilian economy due to its expressive participation on exporting and for the generation of a number of job positions. Manual harvesting is currently predominant and allows the qualitative selection of the removed fruits from plants. The method includes variations among companies and farms, adapted to internal necessities.Techniques and resources for the routine generation of yield mapping for citrus is necessary for implementing compreensive precision agriculture strategies of integrated management of inputs and extractions. It will also allow the measurement of the effect of adoption of variable rate input applications, what justifies the efforts developing techniques for the generation of yield mapping for citrus. The objective of this research was to promote the correct undestanding of the variations on harvesting systems, their useful characteristics and limitations relative to data collection to attain yield maps, also propose and test a methodology for collecting data in a simple way, without interfering with the harvesting. To characterize the harvesting systems used commercially, farms were contacted to supply the necessary information. Later, in one specific farm a population on big bags was weighed for confronting and checking the weight estimated by the harvesting manager for the payment of the individual workers. Data were analyzed and indicated that the volumetric estimation is acceptable for attaing the weight of the bags. Finaly a field was selected and all the big bags of harvest were georeferenced, allowing for the calculation of the representative individual area of each one. The area was obtained from the constant strip width and distance between bags. With the area, location and mass of each bag it was possible to determine the productivity of each points and after interpolation the yield map was generated. The method is considered simple and efficient for data collection and generation of the yield the map wich showed a great variability within the field.


map data collection coleta de dados laranja colheita agricultura de precisão precision agriculture harvest orange mapas

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