Caracterização hidrogeoquímica da microbacia de drenagem do córrego Barra Bonita, São Paulo / Hydrogeochemistry characterization of the Barra Bonita stream small watershed, São Paulo




The study in the Barra Bonita stream small watershed (S: 22o 2553,9" and W: 48o 3234,8") aimed to characterize its hydrogeochemical parameters by dissolved and particulate material transport models to identify the relations between soil use and water quality. Because there was no longer an environmental zoning in the municipality of Barra Bonita, this study was pioneer on the watershed environmental investigation, which may contribute directly to future conservation plans for the utilization of this water source as public supplying. The study was conducted from September 2005 to December 2006 in four main watershed tributaries where eight sampling points were established, upstream to downstream, for water sampling along with the hidrogram phases. Besides that, an intensive sampling excursion was carried out during a storm event in order to achieve better data about the dissolved and particulate material transport. In this study were analyzed the following hydrogeochemical parameters: discharge, major dissolved ions, suspended sediments concentrations and their isotopic characterization for particulate carbon and nitrogen, dissolved and particulate transport, dissolved metals concentration and the biodisponibilty of metal from the bottom aquatic sediments, superficial and sub superficial components of the total discharge and the punctual and diffuse input mechanisms of dissolved and particulate load for spatial and time scales. For the dissolved material in the watershed the major chemical species presented decreased concentrations with the discharge, showing the dominance of punctual input processes in the watershed. On the other hand during the storm flow event the ions concentrations increased with the discharge, showing their superficial origins in this condition. The dominant chemical species were HCO3-, Na+ and Ca2+, which were related to the regional geological formation and punctual input by agriculture like gypsum, liming and stillage. The agricultural area of the watershed presented the major contribution to the transported dissolved load in thee rainy period while the punctual inputs of domestic sewage and urban waters more important in the dry period. The suspended particulate material showed significant correlation with the discharge increasing and the agricultural part was source of the total transported load in the watershed. The isotopic characterization of the particulate organic carbon and nitrogen showed the fractioning processes of the isotopic signature from the C4 plants (sugarcane) matrix presented in the watershed, which were more related to the soil organic matter mineralization as well as with the pollution input from the urban area Only at high flows periods the particulate organic carbon was to the C4 "delta"% values. The dissolved metals concentrations were low as previewed, except for Fe and Al that were related to the regional soil types. The metals biodisponibility in the bottom aquatic sediments were also low in relation to more industrialized regions


transport mechanism dissolved and particulate load poluição pontual carga dissolvida e particulada punctual pollution mecanismos de transporte

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