Catabolite Repression Control by Crc in 2xYT Medium Is Mediated by Posttranscriptional Regulation of bkdR Expression in Pseudomonas putida


American Society for Microbiology


The effect of growth in 2xYT medium on catabolite repression control in Pseudomonas putida has been investigated using the bkd operon, encoding branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase. Crc (catabolite repression control protein) was shown to be responsible for repression of bkd operon transcription in 2xYT. BkdR levels were elevated in a P. putida crc mutant, but bkdR transcript levels were the same in both wild type and crc mutant. This suggests that the mechanism of catabolite repression control in rich media by Crc involves posttranscriptional regulation of the bkdR message.

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