cDNA clones for the ecdysone-inducible polypeptide (EIP) mRNAs of Drosophila Kc cells


The ecdysone-inducible polypeptides (EIPs) 28, 29 and 40 were identified previously as polypeptides whose synthesis is stimulated early in the ecdysone response of Drosophila Kc cells. We have now shown, using two-dimensional gels, that each of these EIPs consists of three species differing in pI, and all stimulated by ecdysone. Translations and hybrid-arrested translations indicated that the poly(A)+ EIP mRNAs increase ˜10-fold in abundance during the first 4 h of ecdysone treatment. By a differential screen of a cDNA library we have identified cDNA clones corresponding to all three EIPs. Two kinds of clones were isolated: one hybridizes to the EIP 40 mRNA(s); the second hybridizes to the mRNA(s) encoding all the EIPs 28 and 29. The EIP 28/29 and EIP 40 loci detected by these clones are each present at single sites on the polytene chromosomes and each is at or in the vicinity of an ecdysone-regulated puff.

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