Change in quantity and size distribution of small circular DNAs during development of chicken bursa.


Small circular DNAs ranging in contour length from 0.06 to 3.5 micrometers have been isolated from bursas of 19-day chicken embryos and 4- to 5-week-old chickens. Small circular DNA is present in bursas of 19-day embryos at approximately 0.2 molecules per cell and is very heterogeneous, lacking distinct size classes; most molecules have contour lengths of less than 0.04 micrometers. In contrast, small circular DNA is present in bursas of 4- to 5-week old chickens at about 4 molecules per cell, and although this DNA is still heterogeneous, it contains a major distinct class of molecules 0.8 micrometers in size. These small circular DNAs may be products of developmental gene rearrangements occurring in the chromosomal DNA of lymphocytes in the bursa.

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