Changes in specific airways conductance and forced expiratory volume in one second after a bronchodilator in normal subjects and patients with airways obstruction


Skinner, C. and Palmer, K.N.V. (1974).Thorax, 29, 574-577. Changes in specific airways conductance and forced expiratory volume in one second after a bronchodilator in normal subjects and patients with airways obstruction. Specific conductance (SGaw) and the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were measured in 10 normal, 10 asthmatic, and 10 obstructive bronchitic subjects before and after aerosol salbutamol. Mean SGaw increased by 37% in normals, by 109% in asthmatics, and by 38% in obstructive bronchitics. Mean FEV1 increased by 2% in normals, by 32% in asthmatics, and by 12% in obstructive bronchitics. SGaw appears to be a more sensitive indicator than FEV1 of changes in airways calibre following a bronchodilator drug in normal subjects, but FEV1 is as good an indicator of these changes as SGaw in patients with airways obstruction.

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