Changing patterns of peanut agglutinin labelling in the dorsal cochlear nucleus correspond to axonal ingrowth.


Various studies have suggested that glycoconjugates may influence connectivity and lamination in the developing central nervous system and may function as barriers to neuritic extension. It has been proposed that the peanut agglutinin lectin labels a glycoconjugate subserving a barrier function. We chose to investigate the distribution of this peanut-agglutinin-labelled glycoconjugate in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the developing hamster since the development of the dorsal cochlear nucleus is well characterised and its axons obey laminar boundaries. The distribution of peanut agglutinin label throughout the cochlear nucleus delineated zones that cochlear axons fail to invade. In the dorsal cochlear nucleus, laminar differences were reduced on postnatal d 13 and virtually disappearing by postnatal d 23. Label in the molecular layer dissipated as axons and dendrites grew into this layer. These patterns of peanut agglutinin binding correspond to axonal ingrowth and are consistent with a barrier function for glycoconjugates in the molecular layer.

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