CHARACTERISTICS OF PARA-INFLUENZA 1 (HA-2) VIRUS III. : Antigenic Relationships, Growth, Interaction with Erythrocytes, and Physical Properties


Dick, Elliot C. (Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, La.) and William J. Mogabgab. Characteristics of para-influenza 1 (HA-2) virus. III. Antigenic relationships, growth, interaction with erythrocytes, and physical properties. J. Bacteriol. 83:561–571. 1962—Hemagglutination-inhibition tests with rabbit and rooster immune sera showed HA-2-like strains of para-influenza 1 to be nearly as closely related antigenically to para-influenza 3 (HA-1) virus as to the Sendai strain of para-influenza 1; however, convalescent sera from humans infected with para influenza 1 virus exhibited four-fold or greater increases in antibody to HA-2 and Sendai viruses, but seldom to HA-1.

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