Characteristics of the professional formation, clinical practice and biopsychosocial profile of dentists and physicians who work in the area of orofacial pain / Caracteristicas da formação profissional, pratica clinica e perfil biopsicossocial de cirurgiões-dentistas e medicos que atuam na area de dor orofacial




This study investigated the characteristics of professional training, clinical practice and the biopsychosocial profile of dentists and physicians who treat orofacial pain. Based on a stratified design, 150 volunteers were selected at random, where 87 were from dentistry and 63 from medicine, coming from various regions of the country. The criteria for inclusion in the sample were: being an active member of SBED, SOBRAD, SBCe or ABFCOC; possessing the title of specialist in DTM/DOF by the Conselho Federal de Odontologia (Brazil?s National Council on Dentistry) or possessing clinical experience in the area of orofacial pain. The instruments utilized were: 1) Research Form, elaborated by the investigator; 2) Questionnaire for Evaluation of Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) and 3) Inventory of Stress Symptoms in Adults of LIPP (ISSL). The data were entered in a computer program especially developed for this research in Visual Basic, version 6.0, DOF/Data, and were submitted to statistical analyses using the SAS system which carried out a chi-squared test and Student t-test, at the 5% level of significance. The results indicate that the two groups of volunteers show indicators of deficiencies in academic training, being excessively technical, to practice in the area of pain. An analysis of clinical practice reveals that the majority of the volunteers recognize the need to improve their theoretical-technical understanding of the area of pain, admit difficulties in prescribing medications and in managing the behavior of the patient with chronic orofacial pain. Despite the feeling of professional achievement, unfavorable work conditions are apparent, such as excessive workload, being physically and mentally overworked and the need for several jobs. Despite a positive self-evaluation about health conditions and quality of life of the volunteers, a high prevalence was found for overweight, chronic pain ? especially lower back and neck pain, use of alcoholic beverages and medications to sleep, difficulty with memory, depression, ansiety, feeling constantly tired and irritable. This study points to the need to humanize the professional training of oral surgeons and physicians, not only with respect to relationships with the patient with pain, but also in helping with the psychosocial problems of these professionals. Emphasize here also for such healthcare professionals is the importance of improving one?s lifestyle and taking better care of one?s own physical and psychological health


saude e qualidade de vida professional formation dor orofacial formação profissional health and quality of life orofacial pain working conditions stress ocupacional occupational stress condições de trabalho

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