Characterization of a conditionally transformation-deficient mutant of Haemophilus influenzae that carries a mutation in the rec-1 gene region.


A mutant of Haemophilus influenzae, designated HM5, carrying a mutation in the rec-1 gene region, is described. This mutant transformed approximately 100-fold less well than does the wild type, but approximately 100-fold better than rec1 mutants. The mutant was less sensitive to UV irradiation and less "reckless" than rec1 mutants. In contrast to rec1 lysogens, HP1c1 lysogens of the mutant were inducible, and during transformation, recombinant-type activity was formed to the same extent as in the wild type. Although the integration of donor DNA was complete, the integrated DNA was not replicated at 36 degrees C. Both the inhibition of replication of the donor-recipient DNA complex and the transformation deficiency could be suppressed when, after DNA entry, the cells were incubated under suboptimal conditions. The loss of colony formation after UV irradiation was suppressible by the same conditions.

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