Characterization of product RNAs synthesized in vitro by poliovirus RNA polymerase purified by chromatography on hydroxylapatite or poly(U) Sepharose.


The size of the product RNA synthesized by the poliovirus RNA polymerase and host factor was significantly affected by the type of column chromatography used to purify the polymerase. Dimer length product RNA was synthesized by the polymerase purified by chromatography on hydroxylapatite. This contrasted with the monomer length product RNA synthesized by the polymerase purified by chromatography on poly(U) Sepharose. The poly(U) Sepharose-purified polymerase was shown to contain oligo(U) that functioned as a primer. The addition of host factor to reactions containing the poly(U) Sepharose-purified polymerase significantly increased the synthesis of monomer length product RNA, in agreement with previous studies. This product RNA, however, did not immunoprecipitate with anti-VPg antibody and thus was not linked to VPg or a VPg-related protein. Thus, it was concluded that the synthesis of monomer length product RNA by the poly(U) Sepharose-purified polymerase and host factor was caused by oligo(U) priming rather than VPg priming.

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