Characterization of Temperature-Sensitive, Fertilization-Defective Mutants of the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS


The isolation and characterization of three Caenorhabditis elegans temperature-sensitive mutants that are defective at fertilization are described. All three are alleles of the gene fer-1. At the restrictive temperature of 25°, mutant hermaphrodites make sperm and oocytes in normal numbers. No oocytes are fertilized, although they pass through the spermatheca and uterus normally. The oocytes can be fertilized by sperm transferred by wild-type males, indicating that the mutant defect is in the sperm. The temperature-sensitive period for the mutants coincides with spermatogenesis. Sperm made by mutants at 25° cannot be distinguished from wild-type sperm by light microscopy. The sperm do contact oocytes in mutant hermaphrodites, but do not fertilize. Mutant sperm appear to be nonmotile. Mutant males are also sterile when grown at 25°. They transfer normal numbers of sperm to hermaphrodites at mating, but these sperm fail to migrate to the spermatheca and are infertile. The phenotype of these mutants is consistent with a primary defect in sperm motility, but the cause of this defect is not known.

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