Charge transport in FEP Teflon Films submsted to corona discharge in air and in nitrogen. / Estudo do transporte de carga em amostras de teflon FEP sob descarga corona no ar e no nitrogênio.




The corona triode with constant current was used to measure the evolution of surface potential of FEP 12 and 25 μm samples, charged with positive and negative corona in air and in nitrogen. No difference in the transport properties in thin samples was observed when the gas was changed and this allowed us to conclude that electrons and holes are the carriers responsible by the transport of charge in the material. Only the moisture is important to the build up and decay of surface potential. The build up of surface potential of 12 μm samples charged with negative corona was interpreted by means of a deep fast trapping model in the beginning, followed by an increase of the trapping time when saturation is approached. Surface traps are also present. No significative potential decay is observed. The surface performs an important role in the trap¬ ping and injection of carriers into the bulk of 12 μm samples charged with positive corona. A theoretical model that assumes schubweg dependent on mean electric field fits the experimental results.


descarga corona polímeros corona discharge polymer

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