Chromatin remodeling directly activates V(D)J recombination


The National Academy of Sciences


V(D)J recombination substrate choice is regulated to ensure that the appropriate gene segments are rearranged during lymphocyte development. It has been proposed that regulation of substrate usage is determined by changes in accessibility of the DNA targets. We show that Rag-mediated recombination of an episomal substrate in cells is affected by its packaging into chromatin. Chromatinized substrates were inefficiently rearranged, and methylation further reduced recombination. Disruption of nucleosomes by using butyrate on methylated substrates was sufficient to activate recombination, and dexamethasone could activate recombination in the absence of detectable transcription. Therefore, chromatin structure, and its manipulation by altering nucleosome positioning, can directly affect recombination efficiencies.

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