Ciencia e tecnologia no Mercosul




This work tried to identify the experiences of scientific and technological cooperation as well as the importance of this field along the integration process in the South Cone. Therefore it was a matter of pointing towards the terms imposed by the dynamics of the Mercosul to the official initiatives through the reconstitution of both the processes of cooperation and of integration. It was verified that during the South American Market gestation time (from 1985 to 1990) various agreements could be made because ofits strategic and diplomatic importance. Nevertheless, once the economic block was consolidated with the signing of the Asuncion Treaty and the measures of adjustment and local opening that begun to sustain it, the success achieved in the commercial field didn t echoe in the fields of scientific and technological cooperation. Conditioned fundamentally by the interests of local business and the objectives of the economical politics, the agenda turned to the regulation of themes directly or indirectly associated to commercialliberalization from the govemments of Menem and Collor on. With that, the treatment given to the themes of science and technology in the scope of the block became compatible with the local scenarios in which prevailed since the 80 s the traditional mechanisms of technology transferring as opposed to the development of new altematives. ln that sense despite the existence of an institutional apparatus created specifically to stimulate scientific and technological cooperation, the discontinuity of the initial experiences and the lack of new ones that could be credited to the new block, attest to it s loss of status in the integration processo.


integração economica internacional

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