Civil construction industry and productive reorganization : new technologies and ways of socialization constructing the general intellect / Industria da construção civil e reestruturação produtiva : novas tecnologias e modos de socialização construindo o intelecto coletivo ("General Intellect)




This PhD dissertation deals with changes that happened at labor field, especially those related to transition from Fordism Accumulation pattern to Flexible Accumulation, Neo-Fordism, Post-Fordism, Post-Taylorism, Flexible Specialization, Japanese Model or Toyotism. It aims at giving light to the complex reality of Productive Reorganization in a sector that has been little privileged for the recent sociological works: the Civil Construction Industry (ICCSE, in Portuguese) in Brazil. Our field of research about ICCSE is based on legacy from investigations done by Group of New Architecture (GAN, in Portuguese). In order to sustain an evaluation of GAN’s legacy, two statements are presented: (i) the romantic revolutionary sprit of GAN and (ii) the attempt of radical reorganization of productive forces and of the relations of production at ICCSE. After that, the historical modalities of capitalist labor processes at ICCSE in Brazil are summarized and the main differences between structure and conjuncture at ICCSE are characterized. Afterwards, the fetishism of technology present on research about ICCSE and its statements about delayed at ICCSE in Brazil are detailed. In order to conclude this part of argumentation, the main historical solutions to this type of delayed, from pioneers with their orthodox Taylorism solutions to those Productive Reorganization solutions at ICCSE, are discussed. Our next focus is the Productive Reorganization and its implications to ICCSE in Brazil. The Japanese Model, with its news technologies and ways of socialization, i.e., contemporaneous forms of alienation, is characterized. Afterwards, the introduction of Japanese Model at Brazilian enterprises of ICCSE at 90’s is analyzed and the ways of socialization observed are detailed. A steep further is done when based on quantitative and qualitative analyses the “organizational strategy” is identified as the main way of socialization employed by the investigated enterprise. This organization strategy was characterized as been an entrepreneur school and, assuming this thesis, fundamental concepts of this entrepreneur school were shown and the main entrepreneur strategies of investigated enterprise were analyzed. At last, it was showed how the new technologies and its ways of socialization construct the General Intellect. The concept of General Intellect that we based on was the one proposed by Marx on Grundrisse of Critique of Political Economics (1857- 1858). We argue that its main characteristic nowadays is one form of manifestation of value labor theory. Based on this thesis, General Intellect is characterized as a form of subsumption of labor to capital and the extraordinary more-value is seen as its contemporaneous way of implementation. From this argumentation, it is defined the edifications of ICCSE as a construction of General Intellect. In order to sustain our argumentation, the production of edifications at ICCSE is characterized from the materialism point of view as fixed capital. Finally, it is argued that contemporaneous expression of General Intellect at ICCSE fields is “Fast Construction”.


socialização industria de construção civil industrialization educational sociology sociologia educacional architecture industrial industrialização building industry civil arquitetura industrial socialization

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