Classificação de pre-ordens e teoria reduzida das formas quadraticas




For a preordering T of a formally real field F. we develop in this work the quadratic T-forms theory, and its relations with the aritmethic of the field associated to T. The study of T-forms has motive in at Least two aspects. The first, that will not be boarded in this work is to avoid the " torsion in the Witt ring study. This fact can be observed in item (2) of the Proposition 3.16. Other motivation for develop this theory is the study of properties of restricted validity. So, relations that occurred between the orderings contained the preordering T, but that doesn t happen among all ordering of F. For example, we will see that the properties Pasch, HnT (for n = 4) and EDT are equivalents, what doesn t occur if we don t consider the properties being restricted to preordering T


formas quadraticas

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